Turning an Art into a Science


Bank One

on Nov 25, 2014 in | 0 comments

Manager of Training

“Your personal presentation skills workshop continues to receive excellent evaluations. It is one of the best training events we have had in recent years. The instruction received praise from some “hard sell” participants who are very pleased they attended. One example is the manager of a large division who is encouraging his management team to take advantage of the opportunity to increase their presentation skills.

I continue to receive this kind of positive feedback from many workshop participants. They all appear eager to recommend the training to others. Having been a participant, I know the value of the training and can recognize how much others can benefit. It is a pleasure to promote a workshop where people can see the evidence of improvement in their skills. In addition, I know the participants are in for an enjoyable and interesting experience. I look forward to continuing the workshops and providing ongoing training for past participants.”

*Organizations are for identification purposes only.

For Online Course or Products, please contact ILScorp at 1-800-404-2211 or email info@ilscorp.com
For Facilitated Seminar inquiries, please contact Hendrie Communications at 1-877-773-2544 or email contacts@exceptionalspeaking.com

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