Turning an Art into a Science


California Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory & NASA

on Nov 25, 2014 in | 0 comments

Principal Commendation Letter

“I had the opportunity and the good fortune to take your very special, “Secrets Course”. As you know, I make presentations on behalf of California Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and NASA on a regular basis and have always been well received.

A few days after I took your course, I delivered a presentation to 300 people at a NASA Conference in Rhode Island. The feedback was better than ever, and as I left, a number of people expressed their appreciation and commended my delivery and effective communication of the subject matter.

One man that stopped me previously saw me present similar materials to his groups of about 50 people. I have always received extremely high evaluation scores from these critical audiences; however, his reaction to my delivery showed extraordinary enthusiasm. I know why. He saw an even better performance due to “Secrets for Exceptional Speaking.”

All facets of the course convey many benefits and I cannot easily choose which provides the most help; however learning the tools to “connect with an audience” conveys a very key effective ingredient. I find connecting easy now and as a result my audiences really listen and stay interested.

My supervisor, the Director of Engineering and Science, is an experienced speaker. Nearly all of JPL’s technical engine report to him and he reports directly to JPL’s Director. He used the “Secrets” self study video to improve and give his speaking even more polish.

I hope more of our California Institute of Technology – JPL employees have the opportunity to take the Secrets Course. Anyone, from beginners to experienced speakers, can improve with special skills from your course. I find the dramatic improvement in a matter of hours quite remarkable.”

-Mel N. Roberts, Principal, Acquisition Operations & Planning, Engineering & Science Directorate (Retired)

*Organizations are for identification purposes only.

For Online Course or Products, please contact ILScorp at 1-800-404-2211 or email info@ilscorp.com
For Facilitated Seminar inquiries, please contact Hendrie Communications at 1-877-773-2544 or email contacts@exceptionalspeaking.com

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