Executive Open Workshops
Executives, Trainers, Scientists, Directors, Engineers, Sales
Companies Represented:
Andor Chiropractic
Cylix Corporation
Integrity Systems
JB Oxford & Company
JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Pinnacle West Capital Corp
Pioneer North America
“Extremely positive experience. The Instructor coached and guided us to be successful communicators. She was precise but with an excellent gentle approach. She is the speech instructor I should have had years ago.”
“Exceptional. Easy to learn! And so valuable. I intend to put this to use immediately both in my corporate setting and in my counseling situations.”
“Amazing! Quick progress!! Fun Class!!! Thank you!!!!!”
“I can’t wait to work on the presentation I’ve dreaded & apply the techniques I’ve learned!”
“Very effective day! I have been positively impacted and am excited to apply all I’ve learned in daily life. Thank you.”
“Very, very good course. I would like to get you into TRW.”
“I was positive this wouldn’t work form me but it did! (Large round slow). (Jab). Thank you. (Little Dabs).”
“I felt this class was great! I learned many things that will help me advance. Thank you.”
“I found the whole program from presentation video and learning excellent.”
“Loved it”
“Stephanie, you’re a very talented coach. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts. Keep in touch!! I learned so much.”
“It was a pleasure throughout.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed today. I learned personally as well as gaining knowledge for development of our curriculum.”
“The second time was even more powerful for me. Maybe I was more ready. Great job. Thank you so much. What a treat!”
“I liked the flow of the day. It seemed very balanced between lecture, video, experiential, etc…very smooth.”
“Thanks. It was great!”
“The course was fun!”
“Time well spent! Lots of fun!”
“Great course! Thanks!”
“Very well thought out content, approach and implementation.”
“Thank you”
“Good job.”
“Well done! I did get some points I will use very soon.”
*Organizations are for identification purposes only.