Turning an Art into a Science


The Law Offices of Maynard O. Kartvedt & Brooks L. Iler

on Nov 25, 2014 in | 0 comments


“I am happy to hear that you are continuing to use your talents to assist the legal profession and better communications. I believe I benefited greatly from the workshop that you presented in San Diego. Your wide range of knowledge in acting and communications techniques (which may be the same) gave me a much greater level of personal confidence in my ability to make presentations to juries in particular.

Some of the areas that I have found particularly helpful are the true ability to gain and maintain eye contact; the power of presentation by imagery and the use of the whole body with the voice in conveying thoughts and ideas. Best wishes in your continued good work.”

*Organizations are for identification purposes only.

For Online Course or Products, please contact ILScorp at 1-800-404-2211 or email info@ilscorp.com
For Facilitated Seminar inquiries, please contact Hendrie Communications at 1-877-773-2544 or email contacts@exceptionalspeaking.com

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