Turning an Art into a Science


Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) Graduate Program

on Nov 25, 2014 in | 0 comments

Thank you letter from a Graduate Student after taking a Secrets Course Lesson in China via Skype

“A thanks letter from a student attending yesterday’s course:

“感谢 谢谢您悉心安排,为我们请Tai Chan博士和他的同事以及戴雅洁做报告,他们的学识、能力和个人魅力让我非常敬佩。我的表达水平很差,今天听了他们三位的报告,收获颇多。今后我会努力向他们和您学习的。再次感谢您为我们准备了这样一堂课.”

Many thanks again for your guys’ awesome talk and shows.”

“Unusual for a student to send a thank you note in China. He expressed a genuine appreciation for the lectures and the “shows” sessions. His remark on his weakness in speaking is also an act of humility. I am impressed with him too. Our “show” yesterday is by far the best. My thanks to you too for sharing your Secrets with the students. I will encourage them to sign up for more lessons online. All the best from Beijing.”

*Organizations are for identification purposes only.

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