Turning an Art into a Science


The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance

on Nov 25, 2014 in | 0 comments

Eleanor Bloxham, CEO

“I was thinking about your educational role at the Society of Actuaries and thought about someone who has made a difference in my speaking life and might hold some interest as you develop educational programs there. Her name is Stephanie Hendrie. She has worked her magic with people of mathematical and statistical minds at companies like that Kaiser Permanente Medical HMO and has a great deal of experience with physicists, scientists and engineers through NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, Agilent, Amgen, General Motors and HP….I took her course about 10 years ago and that’s when my speaking life took off. Anyway, always thinking of a way to connect good people.”

*Organizations are for identification purposes only.

For Online Course or Products, please contact ILScorp at 1-800-404-2211 or email info@ilscorp.com
For Facilitated Seminar inquiries, please contact Hendrie Communications at 1-877-773-2544 or email contacts@exceptionalspeaking.com

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